45 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi para Pihak dalam Perjanjian Waralaba ( Franchise ) di Surakarta

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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of the franchise agreement and legal protection for parties in the franchise agreement in Soto Seger mBok Giyem Boyolali and Meatballs Alex in Surakarta. This study uses empirical law research or commonly known as non-doctrinal legal research.Pime Frame franchise agreement Soto Seger mBok Giyem Alex Surakarta Boyolali and meatballs which lasted this with a second party is not based on the principle of freedom of contract as well as in Article 1338 and Article 1233 of the Civil Code, namely as an engagement arising from the agreement in accordance with Article 1313 of the Civil Code.Protection of the law by the parties in the franchise agreement in Soto Seger mBok Giyem Boyolali and Meatballs Alex in Surakarta, namely: (a) There are two main aspects that berkaitana protection of the parties in the franchise agreement, namely (1) Aspects of Internal concerning the existence of the franchise agreement that is good in terms of enrollment, the obligation to open a business first party / owner of the restaurant to the franchisees, namely regarding the period, royalties and problems termination. (2) External Aspects of this in principle, is an outline of the wisdom of its establishment and implementation of rules (concerning the franchise business) by the government in the form of laws and regulations governing the practice of franchising is increasingly widespread even go up to the district / city. The franchise agreement is generally less provide an opportunity for franchisees to use the brand or logo by permission of the first party / restaurant owner in this case is poured in the form of a cooperation agreement or in the form of franchise agreement. In accordance with the provisions of Law 19 of 1992 explicitly pointed out that the owner of a registered trademark has the right to license others to the agreement

    Perlindungan konsumen pengguna jasa transportasi online di Kota Surakarta

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    The increasingly complex human movement makes people need the means of transportation. as the development of technology comes online transport that uses applications via smartphone. The operation of two-wheeled vehicles or called ojek online as a means of public transportation contrary to the law no.22 of 2009 on traffic and road transport. Debates occurred among the public and the government regarding its validity as happened between the city government of Surakarta with the conventional transport drivers. Ease of online transportation makes people forget the important thing that is protection as a consumer. Accountability of online transport companies and drivers is seen as weak and detrimental to consumers. The formulation of problems that can be taken is how the legal arrangement of online transportation services by the city government of Surakarta, how the consumer protection for users of online transport services in the city of Surakarta, and how the form of accountability provided to users of online transportation services in the event of an accident. the goal is for the public to know the rules about the validity of online transport and protection and accountability to consumers. This research uses empirical juridical and qualitative methods. In conclusion, online transportation arrangements, especially online taxis in Surakarta city just follow the instructions from the governor of Central Java, while online motorcycle taxis are not allowed because there is no regulation. Consumer protection for users of online transport services in Surakarta is good and rare cases. But the public must remain vigilant. Crimes and accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. If it has suffered a loss, the consumer may hold accountable as the terms and conditions to the online transport company and the driver

    Perlindungan Karya Cipta Batik Kontemporer Dari Kota Pekalongan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: ( 1) perkembangan karya cipta batik kontemporer di Kota Pekalongan, ( 2) perlindungan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Kota Pekalongan terhadap perlindungan karya cipta batik kontemporer di Kota Pekalongan, (3) model perlindungan karya cipta batik kontemporer di Kota Pekalongan pada masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis . Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan: (1) perkembangan batik kontemporer di Kota Pekalongan sangatlah pesat, bahkan sudah menjadi bagian sangat penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat Kota Pekalongan, dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi, bahkan dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan daerah Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan dan memiliki ciri khas tertentu, hal ini menandakan layak untuk mendapatkan perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dari Pemerintah Indonesia secara khusus. (2) Kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan telah dikeluarkannya peraturan daerah (Perda) yang mengatur tentang batik. Berdasarkan fakta yang didapatkan batik kontemporer Pekalongan memiliki motif lebih bervariasi dan memiliki warna lebih mencolok serta beraneka ragam. Adapun usaha -usaha yang telah dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan di antaranya melakukan sosialisasi kepada UKM dan IKM yang ada di Kota Pekalongan tentang pentingnya Perlindungan terhadap batik Kontemporer, mengadakan Pekan Batik Internasional (PBI) setiap dua tahun sekali, membangun pasar batik bertaraf internasional pada tahun 2012, telah diresmikannya Museum Batik Internasional pada tahun 2006, dengan di daftarkannya Hak Cipta dan Merek dari batik Pekalongan di Dirjen HKI di Tanggerang. ( 3) Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan telah merencanakan sebuah perlindungan karya cipta batik kontemporer dari Kota Pekalongan dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Daerah No 6 Tahun 2014 tentang pember ian label pada produk batik dari Pekalongan. Pemberian label tersebut memilki tujuan agar para konsumen lebih mudah membedakan antara jenis batik yang satu dengan yang lain. Label tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga macam, yaitu label emas untuk batik tulis, labe l perak untuk batik tulis kombinasi cap, dan label putih untuk batik cap

    HUKUM DAN PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA PENGADAAN TANAH: Studi Konsep Penyelesaian Sengketa Pengadaan Tanah Berbasis Keadilan Sosial dalam Pembangunan Bandara Internasional di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah terhambatnya proses pembangunan Bandara Internasional di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta disebabkan adanya penolakan dari masyarakat terdampak lantaran sebagian tanah yang menjadi lokasi pembangunan merupakan milik masyarakat. Adapun penyebab masyarakat melakukan penolakan di samping faktor kehilangan mata pencaharian atau lapangan pekerjaan juga disebabkan oleh ganti kerugian yang kurang layak. Jika sengketa pengadaan tanah tidak dapat perhatian yang serius dan tidak dicarikan konsep penyelesaian yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak yang bersengketa, maka dikhawatirkan akan terakumulasi dalam bentuk kekerasan pada kasus yang sama dimasa mendatang. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengeksplanasikan terjadinya sengketa pengadaan tanah dalam pembangunan Bandara Internasional di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan upaya penyelesaiannya. Di samping itu, peneliti bermaksud merumuskan konsep penyelesaian sengketa pengadaan tanah berbasis keadilan sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan metode diskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: (1) faktor yang dominan dalam memengaruhi terjadinya sengketa pengadaan tanah dalam pembangunan Bandara Internasional di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yaitu faktor kekhawatiran warga terdampak akan kehilangan mata pencaharian atau lapangan pekerjaan dan penetapan ganti kerugian yang kurang sesuai, (2) penyelesaian sengketa yang telah dilakukan yaitu melalui negosiasi, mediasi dan konsinyasi, ya n g hasilnya kurang adanya kesepakatan karena masih terdapat 37 keluarga yang belum mengambil ganti kerugian, dan (3) konsep penyelesaian sengketa pengadaan tanah berbasis keadilan sosial yaitu penyelesaian sengketa yang memperhatikan hak- hak masyarakat, baik politik, ekonomi m a u p u n sosial. Pemberian ganti kerugian kepada yang berhak sifatnya lebih mengedepankan kesejahteraan masyarakat, seperti pemberian kompensasi yang layak dan hak mendapatkan pekerjaan bagi warga yang terdampak. Hukum yang mengatur pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum yang sifatnya mengandung unsur keseimbangan antara kepentingan pembangunan dengan kepentingan masyarakat terkait pengadaan tanah dan memperhatikan hak-hak masyarakat sehingga tidak menjadi kewenangan- kewenangan pemerintah dalam pembangunan. Agar mampu memberikan rasa keadilan yang hakiki, maka dalam penyelesaian sengketa diperlukan keadilan yang berdasarkan nilai-nilai agama yang bersumber d a r i Alquran yang penuh makna dan nilai Ilahiyah yang menjiwai dalam suatu putusan sengket

    BUDAYA HUKUM PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK HAK ATAS TANAH ADAT: Studi Dalam Masyarakat Dayak Tomun Berbasis Kerifan Lokal di Kalimantan Tengah

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    Given the general conditions of agrarian problems in Indonesia which are increasingly complex, many large oil palm plantation companies that have production factories in Lamandau Regency factually threaten the existence of the customary land of the indigenous people. One of the main agents is a multinational company that started to launch its economic activities aggressively and massively across borders since the 1970s. This study focuses on the context of the community's legal culture in resolving conflicts over customary land rights emerging from human nature which is always translated as a correlation between the ratio (mindset), behavior, values, and rules of law that have been common since a long time ago in people's lives. Therefore, there are several issues formulated in this study. What is the legal culture in resolving conflicts over customary land rights of Dayak Tomun indigenous people? What is the concept of legal culture in resolving conflicts over customary land rights of Dayak Tomun people? This study describes, interprets, and explores the legal culture and its concept in resolving conflicts over customary land rights of Dayak Tomun people based on local wisdom. A mixed-method consisting of a normative method, empirical method, and legal anthropological approach was used. The legal culture in conflict resolution is comprehensive, including bahaum (dialog) and non-litigation mempala (rational) models. The concept of dialog that is normative, critical, open, and proactive must prioritize the common interests. Rational thinking in resolving conflicts by integrating (uniting) can encourage the growth of creative thinking, and developing alternatives is one strength of the integration style. The concept of legal culture has a way of life in the form of norms of rules in resolving conflicts over customary land rights that originate from beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. Norms of rules are very simple and contain ethical, moral, and cultural values. The concept of legal culture as the basis of culture, local wisdom, and nature has a legal system, legal process, and substance to run the law and maintain the legal inheritance that functions as social control. Berkaitan dengan kondisi umum persoalan agraria di Indonesia yang semakin kompleks, Banyaknya perusahaan besar perkebunan kelapa sawit yang memiliki pabrik produksi di Kabupaten Lamandau memperlihatkan secara faktual mengancam keberadaan tanah adat masyarakat hukum adat setempat. Salah satu agen utamanya adalah perusahaan multinasional yang mulai agresif dan secara masif melancarkan kegiatan ekonominya lintas batas wilayah sejak 1970-an. Penelitian ini berfokus pada konteks budaya hukum masyarakat dalam penyelesaian konflik hak atas tanah adat yang umumnya bersumber pada watak manusia yang selalu dimaknai sebagai korelasi antara rasio (mindset), perilaku (behavior), nilai (value) dan aturan (rule of law) yang lazim telah dilakukan sejak dahulu kala di dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, ada beberapa pokok permasalahan yang akan dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini, sebagai berikut: Bagaimana budaya hukum dalam penyelesaian konflik hak atas tanah adat masyarakat Dayak Tomun. Bagaimana konsep budaya hukum dalam penyelesaian konflik hak atas tanah adat masyarakat Dayak Tomun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan, menginterpretasi, dan mengekplorasi budaya hukum dan konsepnya dalam penyelesaian konflik perspektif kearifan lokal hak atas tanah adat masyarakat Dayak Tomun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran yang terdiri atas metode penelitian normatif, metode penelitian empiris, dan pendekatan antropologi hukum. Budaya hukum dalam penyelesaian konflik bersifat komprehensif mencakup model behaum (dialog) dan model mempala (rasional) non litigasi. Konsep dialog yang bersifat normatif, kritis, terbuka, dan proaktif harus mengutamakan kepentingan bersama. Berpikir rasional dalam menyelesaikan konflik dengan cara mengintegrasikan (mempersatukan) ini dapat mendorong tumbuhnya creative thinking (berpikir kreatif), mengembangkan alternatif merupakan salah satu kekuatan dari gaya integrasi. Konsep budaya hukum memiliki pedoman hidup berupa norma aturan dalam hal penyelesaian konflik hak atas tanah adat yang bersumber dari kepercayaan-kepercayaan, ide-ide, dan gagasan-gagasan. Norma aturan sangat sederhana dan mengandung nilai etika, nilai moral, dan nilai budaya. Konsep budaya hukum yang dijadikan sebagai landasan kebudayaan, kearifan lokal, dan natural memiliki sistem hukum, proses hukum, dan substansi menjalankan hukum serta mempertahankan warisan hukum yang berfungsi sebagai kontrol sosial

    Model Penyelesaian Kerugian Negara/Daerah Lewat Tuntutan Perbendaharaan dan Tuntutan Ganti Rugi(TP-TGR) (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Rembang)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the loss settlement countries / regions through repertory demands and damages (TP-S), to determine the implementation of the Settlement loss countries / regions through treasury and Indemnity Claims (TP-S) in the District of Apex, and construct how the model Settlement loss countries / regions in the future. This type of research is the study of normative juridical approach (Juridical approach), date used secondary data (literature) consisting of primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. The results of the study found; (1) completion of a country other than the loss pursued through the criminal and civil administrative channels are also available as an internal control both central and local bureaucracy, kerugaiannegra it could be money or goods performed by the treasurer or not bendaha as well as other parties, involving actors treasurer handled by CPC, while perpetrators carried out by civil servants not the treasurer or other officer, by a team called the Assembly of the TP-SE. (2) recovery of damages in the district Country / region conducted by the SE, while the cases only civil cases not done by the treasurer or other officer, with a variety of motifs, implementation that there is complete and there is not yet finished, unfinished because disebakakan by bebera things: a) there bebasa decision of the court which is final, b) the offender has been fired, c) the perpetrator had not been identified d) then the absence of a reference singkoronisasi rules, especially the team's technical directives vacancy norm. (3) future models need to be made to repair the existing miraculous aspects: a) institutions need to be strengthened, b) existing regulations must be made synchronous and sufficient in order to be a definitive reference TPGR teams, such as technical regulations that have not been there for a while it's recommended to make PERDA fill the kekososngan, c) for which difficult cases encountered such cases already get free pustasan of penagdilan should not be made a rule that states no longer allowed to be processed by the SE team, as it collides with the principle of legal certainty and well-laws. So it is necesssry also to do judicial review of article 6 paragraph (1) of 2004 on the state treasury

    Pertanggungjawaban Korporasi Sebagai Pelaku Tindak Pidana Illegal Logging (Studi wilayah Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat)

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    The phenomenon of forest damage in the Bima NTB area is a fairly serious problem, where this damage occurs in several sub-districts including Sanggar, Parado, Wera, Lambitu, Wawo, and several other sub-districts. Public awareness in maintaining the existence and integrity of the forest is still far from expectations, the issue of illegal logging, forest encroachment and land clearing for corn farming continues to be fueled by irresponsible groups, as well as business behavior and the inter-regional timber trading system. also triggers the occurrence of deforestation or widespread forest destruction in the Bima Region of NTB.crimes illegal logging committed by corporations in the Bima area, then to determine the responsibility of corporations/entrepreneurs as perpetrators of illegal logging in Bima, NTB. The research method used in this study is Empirical Law research using a socio-legal approach and a legal approach. Types and sources of data in the form of primary data and secondary data.this study show that firstly, in Bima NTB are mostly dominated by business actors who are non-legal entitiescorporations of crimes illegal logging committed by business groups, namely illegal/unlawful harvesting and cutting of timber, and illegal/unlawful timber trade. Third, The liability of non-legal corporations (business actors) as perpetrators of illegal logging in Bima is in the form of criminal penalties imposed on individuals/business managers (high level managers) who directly affect the business

    REKOGNISI PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA ADAT BERBASIS PRINSIP DELIBERATIF: Sistem Pengakuan Penyelesaian Sengketa Pengadilan Adat Jenang Kutei Masyarakat Rejang Lebong Bengkulu

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    Peradilan Jenang Kutei menjadi preferensi dalam segala penyelesaian perselisihan atau perkara pada masyarakat Rejang Lebong karena lebih mengedepankan kekeluargaan yang penuh musyawarah. Keputusan dalam Jenang Kutei itu diambil berdasarkan nilai-nilai yang hidup sesuai dengan alam rohaniah dan hidup kemasyarakatan.Pengadilan Adat Jenang Kutei adalah lembaga pengadilan desa yang telah dipraktikan secara turun-temurun. Jenang Kutei menggunakan kitab hukum adat dan dijalankan di kabupaten Rejang Lebong.Jenang Kutei tumbuh dari fenomena empirik, namun sisi substansi yaitu keadilan lebih substansif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan pendekatan Socio-legal, yaitu pendekatan yang mencoba mengkombinasikan diri dengan pendekatan non hukum atau pendekatan di luar rumpun ilmu hukum, yang dalam penelitian ini mengkombinasikan antara pendekatan dalam disiplin ilmu hukum, dan disiplin ilmu sosial. Hasil Penelitian memberikan tawaran maupun alternatif dalam sebuah penegakan hukum mengingat sifat deliberatifnya. Proses penegakan hukum dalam Jenang Kutei juga bisa menghindari yang bersifat formalistik, serta bisa memberikan rasa kasih sayang. Rekoginsi atau pengakuan pada dasarnya berangkat dari pemikiran dengan mengambil asumsi asumsi tentang manusia. Rekognisi berarti bahwa semua ide tersebut disatukan di dalam konsep kesadaran diri (self-consciousness) yang dialami melalui proses pengakuan timbal balik dan rekonsiliasi pada level sosial terhadap pengadilan Jenang Kutei

    Pseudo National Security System of Health in Indonesia

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    ABstRACt Adolescence is a crucial period where one tends to identify who they are as an individual. However, as a teenager is struggling to find his/her place in this world, it is also a time where they are prone to engaging in risk behaviors, which tend to have an extreme psychological impact. The objective was to explore the experiences of an adolescent who engages in risk behaviors and to understand their level of personal fables. The study was a qualitative design with content analysis with semi-structured interviews of ten male adolescents aged 16-18 years. The major findings of the study indicated that adolescent’s pattern of thinking revolves around the fact that they are invincible and invulnerable. Furthermore, adolescents are aware of the risks they are putting themselves through and how in the process they are hurting others. The implications of the study are to conduct more life skill programs in schools; greater awareness has to be created on the impact and harmful effects of such behaviors

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Desain Industri Di Sukoharjo

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    Legal Protection of Industrial Design in Sukoharjo.Hary Suhud Sunaryo Putro. C 100 090 115. Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta ABSTRACT The research is titled “Legal Protection of Industrial Design in Sukoharjo”. Purposes of the research are to describe an industrial design and its legal protection, especially in Sukoharjo region and to know formulation of legal protection model attached in the industrial design. The research is a descriptive one because it reveals actual facts of legal protection for industrial design viewed from Act No. 31 of 2000. Based on results of discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) almost all furniture producers and craftsmen of Sukoharjo region had no official legal protection from Copyright Body, especially in industrial design, because they were not paying attention about it. For them, if they earned enough daily living and their family needs were met, it was no problem. (2) procedures of applying for industrial design copyright in Sukoharjo was basically in line with what has been determined in Act No. 31 Article 18 of 2000 about Industrial Design. However, there was no one applying for the legal protection at all. (3) Future model of legal protection for industrial design should be enforcement of authorized institution of copyright, especially in industrial design by making more socializations about advantages and disadvantages of applying for industrial design copyright. Key words: Legal Protection, Industrial Design, Furniture Producers in Sukoharj